Why Do Vaccines Consistently Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission?

The failures of the COVID-19 vaccines were well known to occur with many other vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccine campaign was marked by broken promise after broken promise and goal post after goal post being moved as the vaccines failed to do most of what had been promised.

One of the central lies the entire vaccine campaign was built upon was that the COVID-19 vaccines would prevent disease transmission—a lie that anyone with a background in vaccine science should have known was false from the very start.

That lie made it socially acceptable to actively discriminate against the unvaccinated (e.g., not invite them to family gatherings or let them be within 6 feet of you). If you took a step back for a moment this argument was absurd; if the vaccine “works” you should be protected regardless of the vaccination status of those around you. Unfortunately, because of the propaganda at play, few if any vaccine zealots realized their talking point proved the vaccines didn’t work.

This fear of the unvaccinated in turn paved the way for the immense discrimination we saw conducted against them throughout COVID-19 (e.g., one honest doctor recently went on national television and explained what had been done to the unvaccinated by Washington state medical system).

I believe one of the most important things for us moving forward is to inform the public of the lies surrounding “herd immunity and vaccines” because it is only if we are equipped with that knowledge that we can be protected from the same scams being repeated on us.

In this article, I summarized why many of the common vaccines we give to all of our children have failed to create herd immunity. As you read through these examples, you will notice many parallels between them and what happened with the COVID-19 spike protein vaccines.

Read it here.